
The Easiest way to Join the RDDL Network!

Attest Energy Production & Consumption Data

Notarize Energy Data Privately for Sharing

Earn Token Rewards

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webs & rddl network

W3BS: Web3 Builders Space

W3BS enables anyone to join the RDDL DePIN protocol, acquire the necessary hardware, integrate their own systems, and manage h/w with no-code & low-code approaches.

RDDL Network DePIN Hardware

Energy Agent
Seeed R1000
Energy Agent
Shelly Plug Plus S
Connect any energy resource
Machine ID

Why W3BS?

W3BS allows anyone to use the RDDL Network.

With its unique Proof of Productivity (PoP) consensus mechanism, the RDDL Network provides a solution that solves the oracle problem and allows everyone to create machine based token economies.

Device Manager
Device Manager

Simplify your life! Control all your machines and prep them for the RDDL Network with a user-friendly interface.

Device Manager
Verify Data

Trust but verify! Assure the authenticity and integrity of datasets, backed by the
Trust Wallet and Machine verifications, making data-sharing transparent and trustworthy.

Device Manager
User Authentication

Unlock seamless experiences with advanced user authentication, ensuring safe access to W3BS subscriptions and services.

Device Manager
Machine ID Generation

Give your machines a unique and secure identity.

Frequently asked questions




Max Supply Tokens


Active Nodes


Active Validators

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